Non-parametric statistical methods

Objectives :

An introduction to non-parametric statistical tests. MSG2 and MSG3 or equivalent training are recommended as prerequisite.

A final test is planned and can be validated by a certificate of achievement.

Level of trainees :

All sectors technicians or engineers.

Duration and location :

  • Duration : 7 hours over a days
  • Location : Soladis training center in Paris or Lyon (to consult the calendar, click on “Sign up”) or directly in your office (minimum of 4 people)

Training fee :

  • In Soladis office : 700€ tax-free per trainee
  • Other : Contact us for an offer adapted to your company.

Pedagogical Manager: Catherine TUDAL

« It is important to ensure that the conditions for applying statistical tests are respected. However,  this is not often the case in practice. Non-parametric tests are an alternative for drawing conclusions in such condition. Yes, but when to apply them? What precautions should be taken? We will discuss these topics during this training. »

Soladis invites you to participate in this MSG4 training which aim is to train you on the proper use of non-parametric statistical tests, to apply them on your databases.

Training Schedule


  • An introduction to test theory
  • Alpha and Beta statistical risks and test interpretation
  • Power of a test and estimation of sample size
  • Parametric versus non-parametric test


  • One median versus theoretical result
  • Comparison of independent and paired samples


  • Practice on case study using Excel and XLStat

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about this training, which can be organized in our training center (dates provided on our website) or directly in your premises, according to your preferences.


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Tél: +33(0)

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Phone: +41(0)

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Cambridge, MA 02138-1100
Phone: (+1)857.675.1189

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